Wednesday, September 10, 2014


After my recent return from serving an 18 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I've been very hesitant to get back in the saddle. I knew I was out of shape and I didn't want to see how much progress I needed to make. 

I mentioned to my boyfriend the other day that I was thinking about going and his response spoke volumes to me "Finally!! I'm sick of you complaining about not riding"  Hmmm...

So I gathered my gear, I was checking my tires when I realized that my front tire was flat, yet again.... So I did what any good cyclist would do! I stole my father's wheel so I didn't have to mess with the eternally flat tire. 

It felt lovely to be on the bike again. And then the rain started about 2 minutes into my ride. I was close enough to turn around. I pondered for a moment, but was already soaked to the bone, so I decided to just continue. 

What an enjoyable ride that was!! I was laughing so hard, it was very enjoyable. (although the other people on the trail didn't seem very pleased about the sudden down pour.)

About half way through my ride I pulled over to try to clean my glasses. As I rubbed them on my soaked and dripping jersey I began laughing again. A man in a car rolled down his window and asked:

"You look a little wet... how far are you going?"
"as far as I want!" I yelled back
"You mean you're doing this for fun!?"
I nodded at him and started laughing again. I'm sure he now thinks the cycling breed are insane.

A little later, after nearly being blown off my bike a man with a stroller smiled at me "Isn't this fun?" I laughed in response. 

Then the lightning started and I decided I'd best call it a day. It's always an adventure and I love cycling more and more! Here's to getting back in shape!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh Honey

Once upon a time, I was going for a bike ride with Dad; my brakes were rubbing and slowing me up a lot. I didn't really realize what was going on. I tried to push through it and ended up over heating and having a very traumatic experience. (I had been drinking a lot of Gatorade and ended up vomiting... a lot. I know, nasty. To this day I am unable to drink Gatorade, even the smell makes me gag.)

Ever since that experience I have been looking for a way to get carbs and electrolytes on my rides. My brilliant coach came home from work one day and threw a few packets of honey at me. (I learned later that 1 tablespoon of honey has about 17 grams of carbohydrates. Who knew?)

"Here, try these on a ride."

It works miracles! Give it a try, let me know what you think.

On another note. Tour De France starts this Saturday! You can watch it here

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good Morning!

My little brother has recently started cycling a little bit. After cycling to Dad's work the other day and having a short conversation about said little brothers progress Dad asked me to take him on my 11 mile route. I got home, asked little brother if he thought he was ready for a longer, to him, ride. He full heartily agreed and was very excited to be going out. I then explained to him that we'd be going on Saturday, but that it was a very busy day for me so we'd have to go early. 

"Like, I don't want to leave later than 6:30 early."
He just looked at me...
"You still want to go?"
"Yes! Of course I do!"

We were heading back home and the sun just started to peak over the mountains. Below is the picture I took:

This, dear readers, is why I cycle in the mornings. If there is a more beautiful sight I've yet to see it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dead Mans Hill

Just down the road from my home in Utah County is a massive hill, it looks something like this:

Yesterday as Dad and I were finishing up a training ride he asks, "Do you have a preference of which hill you want to climb?" I thought a little and decided I didn't, so we set a route home that hits a longer hill, but is still fairly steep. A few minutes later he tells me he's going to take the short, REALLY steep hill we affectionately refer to as Dead Mans Hill. "What changed your mind?" I asked. "I'm going to have to stop anyway, at least that hill is shorter." 

Well that's that. We head up Dead Mans Hill after a short break at the bottom. The whole time I thought about how much I love climbing and that this is going to be a great finish, to an awesome ride.

I hit the hill. Easy, piece of cake, pfft, Dead Mans Hill, what a dumb name! And then I hit the hill. I'm barely moving. My quads start screaming, I check to make sure I'm in my lowest gear. Suddenly the name seems very fitting. But I'm not smart enough to pull over and un-clip with dignity. 

I look up and see the top of the hill about 50 feet in front of me. I focus on putting all my 115 pounds on the pedal and I realize, I'm not moving. My bike tips over. I land in a heap on the road, Dad is standing at the base of the hill laughing at me. (He chose to un-clip further down the hill and walk up the steep part.)

Dead Mans Hill: 1
Katherine: 0

Don't worry, no hill humiliates me and get's away with it. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So Unladylike

As I was riding yesterday I realized how unattractive it is. Maybe it's just me. 

I always thought that I look like my dear friend Lance while he's climbing. Nothing but pure power, motivation and skill. As I was daydreaming about how fantastic I am; I hocked a huge loogie. It was in that moment I realized I was dripping sweat, panting with my mouth wide open, there was a chain mark on the back of my right leg, and I needed to blow a snot rocket. 

I think I'll stick to the back roads from now on.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Brand New Bike

Now that is a good looking bike, if I do say so myself.

It was home built!  As in, my dad, my brother-in-law, and I put it together. Pretty cool, right?

It rides beautifully, and I am so grateful to have a bike that actually fits; instead of using my dad's old frame. We took it out for our first ride of the season today. (I know, we always start really late.) It rides beautifully, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. 

Here's to many more miles. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why I Ride

"It doesn't get easier, you just go faster." -- Greg Lemond.

Lately I've been a little discouraged, I'm not seeing the results I want as quickly as I want them. But that's just part of the fun, isn't it? For me cycling isn't about the distance (although bragging is a lot of fun) It isn't about the race, (but I'll never shy away from a challenge) and it most certainly isn't about the speed (because I don't have it!) 

No. For me, cycling is all mental. It's me and myself. Seeing how hard I can push it when I feel like there is nothing left, miraculously, I can always find a little more energy stored in the tank. It's about winning the argument with myself, to go home and sleep, every time I mount. It's about shortening the time that argument lasts. It's about strengthening, not only my body, but my determination. Because this is my sport. 

And I'm never leaving.