Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh Honey

Once upon a time, I was going for a bike ride with Dad; my brakes were rubbing and slowing me up a lot. I didn't really realize what was going on. I tried to push through it and ended up over heating and having a very traumatic experience. (I had been drinking a lot of Gatorade and ended up vomiting... a lot. I know, nasty. To this day I am unable to drink Gatorade, even the smell makes me gag.)

Ever since that experience I have been looking for a way to get carbs and electrolytes on my rides. My brilliant coach came home from work one day and threw a few packets of honey at me. (I learned later that 1 tablespoon of honey has about 17 grams of carbohydrates. Who knew?)

"Here, try these on a ride."

It works miracles! Give it a try, let me know what you think.

On another note. Tour De France starts this Saturday! You can watch it here

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good Morning!

My little brother has recently started cycling a little bit. After cycling to Dad's work the other day and having a short conversation about said little brothers progress Dad asked me to take him on my 11 mile route. I got home, asked little brother if he thought he was ready for a longer, to him, ride. He full heartily agreed and was very excited to be going out. I then explained to him that we'd be going on Saturday, but that it was a very busy day for me so we'd have to go early. 

"Like, I don't want to leave later than 6:30 early."
He just looked at me...
"You still want to go?"
"Yes! Of course I do!"

We were heading back home and the sun just started to peak over the mountains. Below is the picture I took:

This, dear readers, is why I cycle in the mornings. If there is a more beautiful sight I've yet to see it.